His Unrestful Life

Submitted by ub on

No rest for the weary and he will surely become more run down at his old age. This first day of the rest of his life will only get more difficult, Humpty falls from his wall. That, I can tell you.

Once there was a day to get his way or to getaway without a nay but that’s no longer what lays ahead for an old obese one who’s full of himself as his family and friends begin to turn their backs on him.

Win Play and Show

Submitted by ub on

Is the #Trump administration wasting #USA Taxpayer funds to make a few corporations richer, while hardworking #Americans foot the bill? Does POTUS think this is a game so that he can show an imaginary win?

The new Congress is now playing hard ball and the ladies are going to grab him right where it hurts.

-Record number of women
-1st Muslim women to serve
-1st Native American women to serve
-1st Latina members from TX
-More women with young children
-Most Black members in history of the House (53)

The Year of The Wolf

Submitted by ub on

Lone wolf Donald will show his true colors this year. When the #TrumpRussia investigation is completed, prepare for extreme chaos.

Special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation is continuing into another year that may deliver more revelations and political heat than the ever and perhaps a Big Bang.

Also, on this year of the pig, also expect the dirtiest of all tricks to surface, so be prepared because a political storm is on its way.

Besides, Congress is about to make things more difficult for President Trump after We The People voted in 2018

Happy News Year 2019

Submitted by ub on

Never forget your friends, because they will be more important as we get older.

Regardless of how much we love our family, we will always need friends. Remember to occasionally go out with them, do activities, and phone 212.300.7492

Insofar as time and nature carry out their designs and mysteries, friends will become invaluable.

After many years of life, here's what I learned:

2019 Collusion Resolution

Submitted by ub on

As we all know, collusion is an agreement which is sometimes illegal–but always secretive–to limit open competition by deceiving, misleading, or defrauding others of their legal rights, or to obtain an objective forbidden by law typically by defrauding or gaining an unfair market advantage. It is an agreement among individuals to divide a market, set prices, limit production or limit opportunities.

Between a Brick Wall and Hard Steel Plates

Submitted by ub on

USA taxpayers have been listening to lies for too long and this may be the right time for Americans to make a collective new years resolution and demand government in the sunshine.

This nation needs truthful, ethical and law-abiding elected officials to fully understand their entire job description. They work for -We The People and must take the meaning of the term public service seriously.

Gone But Not Forgotten

Submitted by ub on

Rest in peace is used in traditional Christian services and prayers, such as in the Anglican, Lutheran, Methodist, and Roman Catholic denominations, sometimes to wish the soul of a decedent eternal rest and peace in Christ.

No. 1 story of 2018 isn't anything Donald Trump has done. It's the death of John McCain. https://www.yahoo.com/news/no-1-story-2018-isn-100003464.html?.tsrc=fau…

RIP: Farewell to tech that died in 2018 https://cnet.co/2EROa7W

Comfort and Joy

Submitted by Admin on

Yirong does not smoke nor drinks coffee or alcohol. RoB does on special occasions. Yirong and Roberto Soto share an increasingly great relationship as well as ? love, respect, and mutual admiration. They’re extremely proud of their wonderful family and enjoy a comfortable life.

During the Christmas and New Years holidays, they are both thankful for how blessed they are to have terrific children, grandkids friends, and some nice neighbors. Happy New Year to all...etc.

Straight No Chaser - Christmas Cheers Oh, tidings of comfort and joy,

What We Do For Love

Submitted by Admin on

I'm the first to admit that I do not like flying because I've been on too many crazy flights to last a lifetime. This year, they were turbulent, with crying babies on board and some additional drama.

Also, I feel inexplicably crappy, tired, dehydrated, and with a headache whenever I fly. This time I had an ear and nose congestion, which made the journey extra painful. Sitting in a small, pressurized metal compartment at 33,000 feet for several hours wreaks havoc.