
The Best Policy

Submitted by ub on

Honesty is always the best policy. Some of us chose to tell small lies to avoid reality, or difficult situations and hide feelings or intentions. However, lying always comes at a price whilst the truth is invaluable.

The truth may be sacrosanct, but everyone knows it is wiser to tell a white lie if the truth causes unnecessary strife so its OK to bend it a bit. But not too much or it could break and fly back in your face.

Trump’s Mission Impossible

Submitted by ub on

I once built a TV station in the Eagle Pass and Del Rio, Texas area, where I lived near the Rio Grande along the shores of Lake Amistad adjacent to Maverick and Valverde counties, and believe me, this I can tell you... The tough Texas terrain along the US Mexico border will make it virtually impossible even for a very stable genius to build a real border wall. Eagle Pass borders the city of Piedras Negras, in Coahuila, and Del Rio a city in and the county seat of Val Verde across Ciudad Acuña, both are located in Mexico.

Politically Motivated Hacks

Submitted by ub on

Could it be that Trump's self-inflicted wounds that are mangling his presidency are covers for sinister plots? Would create chaos with contradicting Tweets and outrageous statements are seen as smoke screens?

Example, the @POTUS announcement that he was not going to England because Obama moved the embassy to a place he didn't like, the real reason was preventing massive protests and he didn't get the facts right. Bush made that decision.Wake up, America.

Sweet and Sour Sixteen

Submitted by ub on

Guantánamo prison celebrates its 16th anniversary. The US detention camp is a military prison located at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, also referred to as #GTMO in Cuba.

Since the inmates have been detained indefinitely without trial and several inmates were allegedly severely tortured, the operations of this camp are considered to be a major breach of human rights by Amnesty International.

US Exodous?

Submitted by ub on

Why are so many US Senators and members of Congress retiring at such an alarming rate? Is it for the benefits, or because of our so-called leadership, or lack thereof? There are literally dozens who have announced their retirement, folks. What's going on here?

"Retiring" members of Congress are eligible for a pension starting at age 62 if they've served at least five years, at age 50 if they've served 20 years, or at any age, after they've served 25 years. The amount of the pension depends on salary and years in office.

Dreamers R US

Submitted by ub on

Like so many American citizens whose family came to this great nation seeking a better life, I too am a dreamer. And like the majority of these so-called Dreamers, most of us have been blessed with American born children.

Why are there are 200,000 Salvadorans being forced to leave their US homes next year. Think of the uncertainty, fear, and grief facing these families, and what about the 45,000 Haitians, 2,500 Nicaraguans, 57,000 Hondurans, and 800,000 Dreamers whose lives have been turned upside-down by this administration's immigration policies.

Bill US For Mexico Wall?

Submitted by ub on

US Congress continues to seek the resolution of a problem for 2 million "Dreamers" as POTUS now wants to tie it to American taxpayers paying for a wall that he had always said Mexico would pay for.

These individuals are potentially facing deportation, but their push is running up against another one of President Trump's promise to erect a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, which he has insisted Mexico will pay for. Is it just another one of his sliding promises like his insistence that he would release his taxes? Is he really a #VSG?

Golf Warrior

Submitted by ub on

First played in Scotland, golf is a club and ball sport in which players use various irons to hit balls into a series of holes on a course in as few strokes as possible.

Does it seem hard to believe that since swearing to preserve, protect and defend America, @POTUS has spent over 25 percent of his time playing golf? " I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States" Really, so what real work has he actually done since being sworn in?