Have we lost his signal just in time for this day? Who uses Twitter to spread fake information playing down the impact of a serious national delay? Look at the facts. Could it be more clear that he more interested in covering his rear than protecting all Americans here?
Who promises much and delivers little, and who is turning his back while America is under attack? Who's almost 73, but not grown up enough to show interest in you and me?
Presidents’ Day was named for real leaders to observe how Washington and Lincoln lead the way. We Americans are patriotic and enjoy public holidays dedicated to celebrating all things #USA.
Trump fumes about Russia investigation as nation mourns https://apnews.com/9cea7632a86440589c1c442816021245 …
Students plan protests, Washington march, to demand gun control after mass shooting http://reut.rs/2ogk7MI
GOP donor to withhold money to Republicans until they support gun control https://www.upi.com/Top_News/US/2018/02/18/GOP-donor-to-withold-money-t… …
Trump Just Used Florida's School Shooting To Attack The FBI’s Russia Investigation https://www.buzzfeed.com/salvadorhernandez/trump-just-used-floridas-sch…
Trump falsely claimed he had never rejected the notion that Russia interfered in the 2016 election. He has said "maybe there is no hacking" and "I don't believe they interfered." http://nyti.ms/2ogt8Fg
Trump’s gravest responsibility is to defend the United States from foreign attack—and on that count, he's displayed a gross dereliction of duty, argues https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2018/02/america-is-under-a…
Trump is furiously tweeting about Russia—but we already know his campaign sought collusion https://www.dailykos.com/story/2018/2/18/1742515/-Trump-is-furiously-tw…
Blaming everyone else, Trump has yet to condemn Russia for election interference http://ift.tt/2C7zYXf
Donald Trump's Mental Health Continues to Imperil the United States and the World @alternet https://www.alternet.org/news-amp-politics/chauncey-devega-interviews-b…
Trump: Don't claim you're vindicated in the Russia investigation http://hill.cm/z4XQywN
Trump Reacts To Mueller Indictment In Tweetstorm http://dailycaller.com/2018/02/17/trump-mueller-russia-indictment/?utm_…
Fact checking Trump’s error-filled tweet storm about the Russia investigation http://wapo.st/2obiwZ2
Trump now says he’s never doubted Russian meddling. Here are the multiple times he did. https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2018/2/18/17025350/trump-doubts…
'Why Presidents Fail': http://brook.gs/2bJdmR4