9/11 Alert

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ALERT NYC RESIDENTS The 9|11 Tribute in Light will be illuminated temporarily tonight.
The technicians will be aiming these lights. The display will comes on again on 9|11.

Meanwhile, a call to compassion and to share your story by visiting: www.calltocompassion.com

In the days following the 9/11 attacks, our nation came together to pray, reflect, and mourn. Washington National Cathedral was honored to serve as the spiritual home for our nation during those tragic, uncertain times.

The News Under The Headlines

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Texas Governor Rick Perry beats President Obama in the polls: Voter base prefers Texas governor to President Obama 44% to 41%. Texas Governor Rick Perry is riding high heading into next week's GOP presidential debate.

NYPD is investigating the case involving a wounded son and a bizarre slaying of his parents, a Queens couple who were executed in their home. Police are investigating whether a 23-year-old Queens man played a role in the slayings of his parents.


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Leonard Gold is a native New Yorker. Gold was born in Brooklyn, NY on July 21, 1919. When Lenny was nine years old he would sometimes sneak into local neighborhood junk yards while they were closed and steal hub caps, then he would re-sell these hub caps back to those junk yards. Eventually Lenny got busted for stealing these hubcaps. His dad called him a gangster and decided to move the entire family to The Bronx, where his dad felt was a good place to raise a gangster. He quickly lost all attraction to crime.

Headlines 9/3/11

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LEE LOUISIANA STORM. New Orleans Heavy Rains.

PALIN GOES TO IOWA. Speaks At Tea Party Rally.


ALASKA PLANE CRASH. Mid Air Collision Death.

65K WITHOUT POWER. LI in The Dark.

The Bronx County Historical Society Events

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"75th Anniversary of the Triborough Bridge"
Saturday, September 17, 2011 - 1:30 PM
Come take a walk with Bronx Borough Historian Lloyd Ultan as he describes
The Bronx approach of the Triborough Bridge (now, the RFK Bridge.)
This tour will meet at East 138th Street and Third Avenue, outside the
Third Avenue #6 subway stop near the parking lot of the Mitchell
Apartment Houses. Tour costs $10 for BCHS members, $15 for non-members.
Please make reservations, since these programs are quite popular and sell out quickly.

City Island Arts & Crafts Fair

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The City Island Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring another Arts & Crafts Fair on Saturday and Sunday - September 10 and 11th. The even includes Folk Art, Live Music, Foods, Candle Makers,
Handmade Jewelry, Photography, Face Painting and many other attractions.

City Island enjoys the best of both worlds: CI is an urban location with the feel of a rustic fishing village. CI is known for its Yacht Clubs, seafood restaurants, antique shops and local historic sites.

Headlines 9/2/11

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TROPICAL STORM LEE. New Orleans Issues Warnings.

TEXAS & OKLAHOMA. Blazing Wildfires

ECONOMIC RECOVERY? Where Are Those Jobs?


US SUIT. Mortgage Based Securities.



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Environmental activists are crying foul at the Obama administration's review of a Keystone XL pipeline, which would carry dirty tar sands crude oil from Canada to Texas, exposing your health and the environment to the risk of oil spills across the United States. These groups claim that as the effects of climate change become increasingly evident, "we cannot afford to allow the further development of tar sands oil production, which results in even more pollution than conventional oil production and threatens our air and water quality."