Good Times Rolling Over US

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The real estate market used to be considered as an excellent investment opportunity to either hang on to for tears, until it was time to sell for a tidy profit, or to fix and flip.

However, an overabundance without buyers could mean the end of easy money for re-sellers as I found out recently. I recently met with a couple of professionals, who did not deliver the good news I was expecting.

Last year, flippers saw seven-figure gains within 18 months of buying their properties, according to data compiled by listings of online websites. However, the future may be uncertain.


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As the 2016 campaign now begins in earnest, all presidential contenders are pleading with each and every one of their Iowa supporters to do their best get to the caucuses on Monday.

Iowa is the first battleground for the US presidential nominations ahead of election day. Iowans are the first Americans to vote for who they think should be their political party’s nominee.

Working Women

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The lion’s share of collaborative work tends to fall on women. This, according to academic researchers who add that up to a third of value-added collaborations come from about 3% of employees.

Teams are composed of individual members who collectively contribute to team success. As a result, contemporary team research tends to focus on how team overall properties (e.g., the average of team personality and behavior) affect team processes and effectiveness while overlooking the potential unique influences of specific members on team outcomes.


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Next week there will be an international party in many Asian countries.. This year over a billion people will celebrate the Year of the Monkey, the ninth animal of the cycle. The next Year of the Monkey is 2028. MONKEY IS METAL AND WATER.

Metal is connected to gold. Water is connected to wisdom and danger. Therefore, we will deal with more financial events in the year of the Monkey. Monkey is a smart, naughty, wily and vigilant animal. If you want to have good return for your money investment, then you need to outsmart the Monkey. Metal is also connected to the Wind.Male Fire is connected to Monkey. Therefore, 2016 is the Red Fire Monkey.

Which Chinese Zodiac sign are you? Your sign is derived from the year you were born in the Chinese lunar calendar.

The years below are a rough guide, but if you were born in January or February it may be slightly different as the new year moves between 21 January and February 20.

Rat: 2008, 1996, 1984, 1972, 1960

Ox: 2009, 1997, 1985, 1973, 1961

Tiger: 2010, 1998, 1986, 1974, 1962

Rabbit: 2011, 1999, 1987, 1975, 1963

Dragon: 2012, 2000, 1988, 1976, 1964

Snake: 2013, 2001, 1989, 1977, 1965

Horse: 2014, 2002, 1990, 1978, 1966

Sheep: 2015, 2003, 1991, 1979, 1967

Monkey: 2016, 2004, 1992, 1980, 1968

Rooster: 2017, 2005, 1993, 1981, 1969

Dog: 2018, 2006, 1994, 1982, 1970

Pig: 2019, 2007, 1995, 1983, 1971

Investigators Need Investigating

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When Ethics Investigators Need Investigating: A New York government commission set up to ensure that government officials perform ethically may be having some ethical problems of its own.

The commission is called JCOPE, which stands for Joint Commission on Public Ethics, and it’s supposed to keep tabs on the lobbyists who get big bucks for influencing government.
Now, it seems the commission is ready to do something far beyond its authority.

It may want to police the press. At least that’s the way some journalists and public relations people see it.

Our Dying Planet

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A new Yale University Environmental Performance Index ranks 180 countries on how they protect ecosystems and human health.

Humans are making a mess of this planet and more governments are taking notice and last year's Climate Change Conference in Paris resulted in a landmark 195 nations committing to lowering planet-warming greenhouse gas emissions. Basically, it will take serious efforts to save the world.

1. Finland (90.68)
2. Iceland (90.51)
3. Sweden (90.43)
4. Denmark (89.21)

University Media Startups

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NYC Media Lab is a consortium of universities and media and technology companies. It has announced a new program to commercialize emerging media technologies from faculty and students at the city’s universities.

The program is supported with generous funding from the New York City Economic Development Corporation, the Mayor’s Office of Media and Entertainment, and through the support of NYC Media Lab’s corporate membership. More information is at

Wounded Warriors

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Allegations of abuse have been around for some time now, but the organization apparently does not defend themselves well, according to CBS News, which investigates accusations that the Wounded Warrior Project is wasting millions and shortchanging veterans. Chip Reid says former Wounded Warrior employees accuse charity of wasting millions……

Latinos, Blacks and Women Poorer

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Aging Baby Boomers to Face Care-giving, Obesity, Inequality Challenges. The Population Reference Bureau report, "Aging in the United States," examines recent trends and disparities among adults ages 65 and older, and how baby boomers born between 1946 and 1964 will reshape America's older population.

In 2016, baby boomers will be between ages 52 and 70. Below are key findings from the report.

Demographic Shifts