Headlines 2/28/12

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POLITICAL SHOWDOWN. Michigan and Arizona Primaries.

MORE DEAD IN OHIO. Second Child Fatally Shot.

28 DAYS IN FEBRUARY? 29 Days For Leap Year.

DAYTONA 500 WINNER. Finally Finishes!

NTSB MANDATE. Cars With Cameras.


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Governments, corporations and policy-makers must do more to realize the potential of young people worldwide, Deputy Secretary-General Asha-Rose Migiro said today, calling for action to overcome the structures and problems that are keeping youth unemployment rates high around the worldwide.

In an address in New York to a partnership event organized by the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), Ms. Migiro said the lack of decent jobs for young people had become a “key source of social and political upheaval” around the world recently.

Public Safety on our Streets?

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Following a series of high profile injuries resulting from items thrown from pedestrian overpasses, Council Member Erik Martin Dilan, Chair of the Committee on Housing and Buildings, and Council Member James Vacca, Chair of the Committee on Transportation, will hold a joint hearing to examine two bills that address the need for fencing on publicly accessible overpasses.

Introduction 750-A would require private developers to construct 8-foot high fences on publicly accessible pedestrian walkways and commercial parking garages that are part of shopping malls.

Political Science Professor

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Bronx Borough President Ruben Díaz, Jr. will be visiting Family Life Academy Charter School (FLACS) on February 28th, 2012 to teach the first graduating eighth grade class on how government works and impacts their lives. The Borough President will also encourage all students to "Drop Everything and Read" during its D.E.A.R. time period, a tradition carried out by the entire student body and staff daily at the Kindergarten to eighth grade school, located at 14 West 170th Street, Bronx, New York 10462.


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NY legislation may soon require city sanitation agents to photograph and document the condition of a property at the time a sanitation ticket is issued.

The legislation that came in response to three recent instances where New York City Department of Sanitation (DSNY) agents were captured on surveillance video in Brooklyn issuing fraudulent tickets to honest New Yorkers.

Pathways to Health Care Careers

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On Tuesday, February 28, 2012, at 11 a.m. Pacific, 2 p.m. Eastern, the Apollo Research Institute will present Pathways to Health Care Careers: From Two-Year to Four-Year Colleges and Beyond.

In this complimentary webinar, higher education leaders join employers and researchers to discuss educational pathways and career options for current and future health care professionals. Audience members may submit questions in real time.

At this webinar you will learn:

Best practices for transitioning from community college to a four-year
degree in a health care-related field

Bartow-Pell Mansion Museum

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Pop-up Exhibit

The Lost Houses

of Pelham BayVintage Postcards from the Collection

of Thomas Vasti

On view through

March 26

Old Colonial Inn near City Island, N.Y. (Hawkswood, home of the Marshall Family)

Spring Member Mornings
All About Us:
Upstairs, Downstairs, and in the Garden
Friday, March 16
10 - 11:30 a.m.
The Bartows
and Their Neighbors
Joanna Schoff

Volunteer Garden Clean-Up Day
Saturday, March 17
10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Pysanky Ukrainian
Egg Decorating Workshop
Saturday, March 24
11 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Easter Egg

Headlines 2/27/12

Submitted by ub on


AFGHANISTAN VIOLENCE. Deadly Demonstrations Continue.

COUNTDOWN TO PRIMARIES. Arizona And Michigan Vote.

BACK 2 OLD DAYS. The Artist & Hugo - Oscars.

GAS PRICES RISE. $0.18 In Two Weeks.