Headlines 12/1/11

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NYC GRIDLOCK. Obama Trip, Tree Lighting, Tourists, Teens.

SS PAYROLL TAX UNCERTAINTY. Political Differences.

CLINTON IN BURMA. Actions With Actions.

EGYPT VOTE. Moslem Brotherhood.

GRAMMY. Nominations.

Ultra Deep Field

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This is is what happened when professional astronomers pointed the Hubble Space Telescope at absolutely nothing and left it there, first for 10 days, and then for 11 days. Then they made the images into a 3-D presentation. Hang on to your seat! By the way, 13 billion light years are about equal to 880,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 miles.



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Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. joined the volunteer organization New York Cares and HealthPlus, as well as State Senator Gustavo Rivera, to kickoff the 2011 “Keep The Bronx Warm Month” annual coat drive.

Borough President Diaz said that during the month of December individuals can drop off and donate coats at his office in the Bronx County Courthouse, local police precincts as well as other public locations.

Cyber Religious Services

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Dial up, divinity? Many churches struggle to deal with social media, which can vastly expand the reach of a religious services delivered from the pulpit, but many denominations are struggling to balance technology with doctrine. Some produce video services, other provide pod casts. Some congregations have even gone as far as producing major motion pictures.

Headlines 11/30/11

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OCCUPY NO MORE. LAPD and Philly Police.

CAIN CAMP-PAIN. Additional Accusations.


HINKLEY. Seeking Freedom.

Parker Charley Yusta Soto

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May God bless my very first grandson and my beautiful daughter Natasha Elena, who did all the work by giving birth to a healthy Parker Charley Yusta. NE and PC are both doing fine and resting comfortably. Thanks also to my son in law, Charlie Yusta, who is an excellent dad, and to Elena, Chloe and Sophia, who will be guiding and protecting older siblings.

Please know that I am an extremely grateful and "Proud Grandpa".

Intellectual Property Workshop

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The Bronx Council on the Arts (BCA), the Community Development Project of the Legal Aid Society and the Harlem Arts Alliance present a FREE two-part Intellectual Property Workshop for artists, arts organizations & small businesses on Tuesday, December 6 & 13, 6:00-8:00pm, at the Dwyer Cultural Center located at 258 Saint Nicholas Avenue #2 at West 123rd Street in NYC. Doors open at 5:45pm. Program begins promptly at 6:00pm. Light refreshments will be served. Admission is free and all are welcome.

Immigration Legislation Support

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US Representative Joe Crowley (D-Queens, the Bronx), who is an advocate for comprehensive immigration reform, voted in favor of the Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act of 2011 (H.R. 3012), which eases the current burdens on employment-based and family-based visas. Rep. Crowley says there is a need for further bipartisan action to truly address our nation’s broken immigration system.

Real Estate Tax Exemptions

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NYC Department of Finance has announced that roughly a third of the not for profit organizations in the city did not re-register for their real estate tax exemption on their properties. DOF sent out letters to approximately 12,000 organizations throughout the City several months ago and followed up with robo-calls.

Please, pass on to community boards, elected officials as well of other umbrella type organizations to help get out the word to these organizations in hopes that they can file before the December 5th deadline.


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Syria’s military and security forces have committed crimes against humanity during their crackdown on protesters, a United Nations-appointed probe said today, urging the Government to immediately end “gross” human rights violations and bring perpetrators to justice.

In August the UN Human Rights Council established the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Syria to investigate all alleged violations of international human rights law in the country since March, when the pro-democracy protests began.