Waiting For Godot ub

Waiting for Godot is an infamous play in which Vladimir waits for the arrival of someone named Godot who never arrives, and while waiting engages in a variety of amazing discussions.

Everyone knows that politics can sometimes be a difficult venture, but never to conspire against an enemy using foreigners.

Make no mistake about it, Republicans are anxiously analyzing the results of polling in yesterday’s votes in Kansas, Michigan, Missouri, Washington, and Ohio.

Chief of Staff or Stuff?

Submitted by ub on

The real question is what stuff? Has the general turned into the chief stiff, of chief cook and bottle washer at The White House?

Celebrating one year on the job is another one of POTUS great hires, General John Francis Kelly who is a retired United States Marine Corps decorated officer and has been serving as White House Chief of Staff for President Donald Trump, since July 31, 2017. He previously served POTUS as Secretary of Homeland Security. Is he a COSNO - Chief of staff in name only?

US Misses Court Deadline

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Midnight tonight was the #US Court-imposed deadline for #Trump and #ICE to complete reuniting the families some say they cruelly separated at the #Mexico border.

The government claims many families have been reunited, but there is no way to know the number exactly because the federal government’s numbers aren’t precise. We don’t know what the fate of the families who have been reunited is and how quickly parents will be getting deported after being reunited with their kids.

GOP Impeachment

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Do you remember the punk who would throw a rock and run away because he was too chicken to stay and face the consequences?

Members of US Congress have now reached an all-time low although the US House is scheduled to adjourn this afternoon for an unearned five-week Sumer vacation, as conservatives file articles of impeachment against Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. House Speaker Paul Ryan says he does not support a GOP move to impeach Rosenstein.

Trump Taxpayer Troubles

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Are US taxpayers ready to pay additional billions of dollars for another Trump creation? POTUS will spend $12 billion to assist farmers hurt by his tariffs.

Trouble ahead and tariffs in line as they tear into our economic behind. While POTUS tries to tamp down growing criticism of his own ineffective trade policies by blaming someone else. This time it is not Obama or the Democrats. He blames China.

Where's Putin POTUS Proof?

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These two spin doctors may both be suffering from acute anti-social diseases and some fear it may contagious. Whatever happened to Trust but Verify in the GOP Lexicon? Originally it was a Russian proverb Doveryai, no Proveryai Russian: Доверяй, но проверяй; Trust, but verify. The Russians like to talk in proverbs. It would be nice to apply, instead of rolling the dice. The devil in the details. There you go again - https://cimages.me/node/8883

Mr Poke Misspoke

Submitted by ub on

If the GOP elected a president who promised to take on DC, why does he keep poking members of his own administration, his Republican Congressional colleagues, and US allies? If Mr. Poke insists that he misspoke, then he misspoke once again.

Plenty of presidents have created chaos and commotion during their travels abroad, but none as much as POTUS has. Also, wait as Putin most likely recorded their conversation and will probably try to use it against him one day.