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Diarrhea of the Mouth

Submitted by ub on

Since a fake businessman and now leader of the Republican party entered politics he’s spread too much of his diarrhea of the mouth.

After the courts, top law enforcement officials and his cabinet members told him election-fraud claims were false, he still repeated the nonsense to a wide audience, over and over again, hoping they would swallow the twice impeached, loser, liar’s     cries for attention like a spoiled brat.

What’s Up GOP?

Submitted by ub on

How is it that Republicans today claim they love the USA but manage to hate the majority of law-abiding folks living in our America?

Adams About Face

Submitted by ub on

It was a no-brainer and guess who made the original decision to house them on Orchard Beach, The Bronx, and then a reversal?

The Orchard Beach site was intended to serve over 1K male migrants after Republican Governors in border states began busing migrants north in a POTUS protest of immigration policies. Did the NYC Mayor do it to save face?

Moscow Mitch & Kremlin Kevin

Submitted by ub on

Are these two Republicans, aka the Turtle and the Weasel, trying to destroy all our rights, dismantling Social Security and Medicare?

The Republicans have issued a 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐢𝐭𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐀𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐚: They claim to be fighting for ✓ An economy that's strong ✓ A nation that's safe ✓ A future that's built on freedom ✓ A government that's accountable

Ain't No Sunshine Till He’s Gone

Submitted by ub on

These images gathered by my colleagues from The Associated Press show a detailed apocalyptic vision of #MoRonDisaters' Florida.

In six years there have been as many historic hurricanes in the continental United States, all of which intensified quickly before making landfall. Climate change helped fuel them. Yet, Republicans continue to be deniers of science.

The vulnerable seniors living in Florida need a grownup Governor looking to improve their quality of life, not trying to score political points elsewhere.

Trumped Again

Submitted by ub on

Donald Trump's greatest power has been rushing the death of his projects by being a cheater, a born loser, and a habitual liar.

Supposedly taste trumps most if not all other factors when consumers choose products or politicians, but this is definitely the exception.

The Trump Organization has reportedly been responsible for misleading information about his finances to the public, the media, and the real estate firm’s lenders. Now it's all being used during investigations that could cost him millions and his ability to remain in business.

A Breast Cancer Epidemic

Submitted by ub on

There are more than 3.8 million women and thousands of American men living with breast cancer throughout the United States.

This year alone, approximately 339,250 new breast cancer cases will be diagnosed in women, 287,850 invasive and 51,400 in situ, and 2,710 new cases in men. In the United States alone, an estimated 43,250 women and 530 men will die. We still do not know what causes breast cancer, how to prevent it, or how to stop it from metastasizing or cure it once it does. Breast cancer is a political issue that remains an urgent health crisis.

The End Rationalism

Submitted by ub on

The following paragraphs gleaned from recent articles offer what’s happening in Florida with similar bills passed in other states.

Personally, I think we’ve devolved into an “anti-intellectual” period of thought similar to the one when Savonarola (Florence, 1452-1498) organized his bonfires of the vanities:

“Gov. Ron DeSantis signed House Bill 1467, which requires school districts to give parents a say in selecting instructional materials, including library books and textbooks.

Sweat and Sour Sores

Submitted by ub on

At first look, this 1897-built structure is inviting, but an online search clearly indicates a series of serious NYC Building violations.

Agent Orange

Submitted by ub on

Why did Secret Agent Orange arrive at Morristown, NJ Airport to fly to Dulles International Airport in Virginia on September 11, 2022?

Do you want to know a secret and promise not to tell? Pay close attention and we will offer a few scenarios.

He could be under house arrest. AP says The former President was seen at his Sterling, VA golf course.

Was it a Subpoena and he's finally turning himself into the US Justice Department Criminal Division?