Head For The Border

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Head for the border says the Guardian in its front page headline - as the mad scramble to escape Afghanistan intensifies. 

The British press is publishing newspaper reports that a suggestion by the defense secretary came as the UK made last-ditch efforts to airlift hundreds of remaining interpreters as well as others who have supported the UK. 

Roberto FE Soto, AP Bureau Chief

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I’m is a seasoned newsman with field and executive leadership experience in nonprofit, education, business, and government. 

• An ability to serve as a bridge-builder and convener with a genuine love of people from all backgrounds speaking any language. 

• Informed cultural competence and an engagement posture marked by openness, humility, curiosity, and long-term commitment to relationships while serving a diverse community of constituents.  

Moronic and Selfish

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Who were the two US Congressmen that paid a surprise visit to Afghanistan 🇦🇫  in the mids of the American military evacuation?

These bozos are congressmen and veterans who have come under fire for going on an unannounced trip to Kabul airport to “conduct oversight” of the evacuation process? Did Bevis and But-head slip into Afghanistan for a quickie “fact-finding trip” — and jetted out on an evacuation flight?

Seven Days in August

Submitted by ub on

POTUS says the American military is on track to meet an announced withdrawal of USA forces by the self-imposed August 31 deadline,

I’m What I Am

Submitted by ub on

I was born in Cuba the most beautiful Caribbean island on planet earth. Today I still live in one, City Island - A Slice of NYC Paradise.

COVID19 Hurt Local News

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Nearly one hundred USA local newsrooms have been shut down and closed, not for good, but for bad during the global pandemic.

As someone who not only believes in the crucial need for local news and has devoted years of my life building and working in local newsrooms, it is devastating to have to report that COVID is destroying local news.

COVID Turning Point

Submitted by ub on

The FDA has finally approved the Pfizer vaccine, but keep in mind that it took no money from Operation Warped Speed. 

Therefore Trump, nor his administration deserves any credit for it. This great nation is surviving despite the Republican propaganda about the freedom to spread the virus. And hopefully, The GOP will never again get close to the levers of power in this country, so help us, God.

We Love New York

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Over eight million New Yorkers live, work, and play here.

New York City is where the Hudson River meets the Atlantic Ocean. Manhattan island is densely populated and among the world’s major commercial, financial and cultural centers.