A Hole

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Will the failed presidential apprentice create a hole in the historic wall after mishandling official records for our national archives?

Just as you might expect a spoiled child to act, he has a bad habit of ripping up documents before tossing them out, thereby forcing White House staffers to spend hours taping them back together.

Four More Days

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There has been no Presidential transition process, and this will harm the USA government and WeThe People. The reason the Republicans continue to lie to American voters is that the GOP will not accept that they lost. Trump finishes with the worst first term approval rating ever. Lower than #Nixon 2.0

Say No To Temptation

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My teenage years may seem like ancient history now, but this was the beginning of fun, and participating in the dating game..

Trump Impeached Again

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#LameDuckDonald Trump becomes the first POTUS in USA history to be impeached twice in a four-year term tarnishing the GOP.

This Republican who followed a Democrat and now precedes another Democrat was never ready, willing, and able to accept the will of #WeThePeople and admit that he lost his election. Some Americans say he initially won with Russian assistance, but thankfully not this time around.

Look Away Dixieland?

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The song's origins are murky, and its lyrics nonsensical. Very fitting for the actions, words, and scam of a northern snake oil salesman.

The word have invigorated dance hall drunks, given zest to presidential campaigns, and inspired military ardor. It's also been abhorred by some, who view it as a lingering tribute to slavery. 

Pandemic Stories

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COVID may turn out to be the ultimate stress test for human beings. A literary guide by famed Latin-American writer and Nobel prize-winning author Gabriel García Márquez first published in 1985 El Amor en Los Tiempos del Cólera in Spanish or Love in Times of Cholera is one classic we recommend for all to read. There is also a magnificent film to watch with an absolutely fabulous soundtrack to give a listen to. But manor no mistake about it, the global pandemic must be eradicated.

Remember The Alamo?

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As a journalist familiar with this region, I should point out that this is not the same place. it is like the time the four seasons landscaping was confused with a hotel with a different reputation. This is day 1454 of non-stop lying, with 8 days and could be one of the reasons why the majority of Americans feel intense dislike or disgust for Trump and want him out of The White House. He incited the violent mob attack on the Capitol that was part of an assault on our Democracy. 

2021 Resolution vs Intention

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The God awful year of a pandemic that we all feared is now in the rear. 2020 is behind us, and chances are, you are setting goals. You may have decided that 2021 is your opportunity to make up for every single word you didn’t produce amid Coronavirus or Covid-19. But how realistic are your New Year’s writing resolutions or intentions?

Mask Busters

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Please know whenever anyone decides not to #WearAMask, they’re endangering themselves, along with everyone around them.

The best way to enforce an international mask-wearing mandate, it appears to most folk who we have heard from, would be if there were a database where people worldwide could take a photo of the culprits and load it along with a geographical identification. In major cities like New York, it could turn into an interesting experience.

RIP: Godfather

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I am saddened by the news that my Godfather Osvaldo N Soto passed away. He was 91 years old and my dad's youngest brother and the final member of The Soto - Polo Family Greatest Generation.