2018 Distraction and Destruction

Submitted by Admin on

Once upon a time, Americans had a dream of democracy and liberty for all, a healthy hope, an ingenious idea, and a great goal.

Then, not the majority but some voters chose to place their bets on a fraudster and ruin the lives of many #American living in the #USA filled with distractions followed by destructions.

POTUS record in office has been a real failure. with a legislative achievement being a massive tax cut for the rich who wasted it.

NYC Blue

Submitted by Admin on

For all New Yorkers who were shocked by last night's blue horizon, here are the facts we can tell you. Con Edison says an electrical fault at a substation in Queens, was to blame for a strange blue light that lit up the skies of New York City  

NYC utility probes electric flash that lit sky in eerie blue https://apnews.com/bf948bb77eef412c8317da3dc663506a

The Key is Empathy

Submitted by ub on

Empathy is the ticket to success. During Christmas dinner, I spoke with a relative and a wise person, who is much older the me. She lives alone out in the country, drives and has managed to outlive many friends, her husband as well as their only daughter.

We spoke about utilizing interpersonal communications to understand and share our feelings. Empathy includes the following.

Happy News Year

Submitted by ub on

2018 has been a zinger and #CityImages wishes to sing a happier tune in 2019. Thank you for being here throughout the year.

Trump secretly visited #UISA military troops, but may not be staying in DC for his @GOP sponsored Federal Government shutdown but, instead will be be going to FLORIDA.

Some fear the trip is cover to get to Mar-a-Lago’s NYE party where tickets were already $OLD guaranteeing access to POTUS

He’s reportedly using the military visit as a distraction to cash in at his Florida Country Club.

Free The People

Submitted by ub on

The New York Times reportedly found records and eyewitness accounts detailing the Selective Service draft records of @realdonaldtrump and how he managed to hide from the draft board and avoid #USA military service.

For many years, Donald Trump asserted that it was “ultimately” a high draft lottery number that kept him out of the Vietnam War, rather than a medical condition. But his Selective Service records suggest otherwise. ‪Donald Trump’s Selective Service Records https://nyti.ms/2GCRmWD

Christmas Chaos

Submitted by ub on

A Merry Christmas wish, is offering a happy birthday and a welcoming gesture to an immigrant and his family.
Do evangelicals realize Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus, whose family then fled persecution?

All I Want For Christmas

Submitted by ub on

All I want for Christmas is joy to the world and peace towards all people on earth, instead we have lone wolf politicians to care for no one but themselves and not follow established rules or norms.

Where There’s A Will

Submitted by ub on

There is always a way, that’s what people say, but perhaps not for Republicans who serve We The People of the #USA. The GOP controls the government, so why have they shut it down not once, but a few times so far in less than two years?

The Republicans gave corporations a $1.5 trillion tax cut and have shutdown the government three times while 40 percent of Americans can't cover a $400 emergency expenditure and 80 percent of workers are living paycheck-to-paycheck.

Mad Dog Madness

Submitted by ub on

POTUS hand picked US Secretary of Defense resigned because #TRUMP is cozying up to authoritarian regimes, alienating NATO allies, and destroying our long-standing policies.

The Trump Syria pullout is being defended by only the most ardent, diehard Trump fans. Others who have stuck up for him in the past have now deserted him Because It is a reckless move.

If @GOP can't read the writing on the non existent #Mexico wall or hear the sirens, they should resign. Dear government - https://deargovernment.info

POTUS For Putin

Submitted by ub on

IO have never been more alarmed for the #USA since coming to #America decades ago. Its a move which may temporarily allow a gullible child to assume he has a best friend forever, until he eventually realizes that its never going to be enough and additional demands will certainly follow.

In a one two punch to the gut of all Americans, and after everything he did to destroy democracy in #USA these are the very best holiday gifts that Vladiimir could have ever wanted. Why has Donald handed #Syria over to #Russia and decided to lift sanctions?