Так долго Sochi

The 2014 Winter Olympics closing ceremonies are over and done with in Sochi, Russia, with Tchaikovsky inspired fireworks.
Olympic officials turned over their flag with a ceremony including Sochi's mayor and the mayor of Pyeongchang, South Korea, host of the next Winter Olympics. A massive animation bear blew out the flame in a version of the Olympic cauldron. Meanwhile, these were the most expensive Olympics so far.
International Olympic Committee President Thomas Bach spoke to the crowd, commending Russia and President Vladimir Putin for its hosting of the Games, calling it a new Russia. He claimed it was efficient and friendly, while open to a new world?
Sunday's closing spectacle included a clever reference to the opening-ceremony snag in which one of the Olympic rings did not open.
The local ceremonies began, symbolically, at 20:14 military time. Russia celebrated as their Games wrapped up with 33 medals. USA ended up in second place with 28.