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There have been Tea Party demonstrations, Occupy Wall Street, or whatever the group du jour... Discontent with our current system is spreading to cities and towns all across The United States of America, and the right to protest and dissent are a key part of our democracy and has a place in our national conversation.

The First Amendment guarantees what some might consider the most fundamental freedoms that define our great nation.


Submitted by ub on

Did you know the Bronx River connects communities from Wakefield to Soundview and that African - Americans have lived along it since the 1600s? Were you aware that 20th Century greats like Madame C. J. Walker (hair products mogul), Miles Davis (jazz artist) and Ralph Bunche (Nobel Peace Prize winner) are buried in the same borough as the birth of Hip Hop - the Bronx?


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US Rep. Joe Crowley (D-Queens, the Bronx) applauds announcement by the Social Security Administration that Social Security beneficiaries will see their first Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) increase in two years to help meet the growing costs for consumers. Starting in January 2012, Social Security beneficiaries will receive a 3.6 percent increase in benefits.

Major Promotion for News 12 The Bronx Alumnus

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It gives us a great deal of pleasure to report that NBC News has promoted founding News 12 The Bronx morning anchorwoman, Natalie Morales, who currently serves as News Anchor and Co-host for Today at NBC News.

Natalie Morales will also be serving as a contributing correspondent for Rock Center with Brian Williams. The weekly news program premieres October 31 at 10:00pm.

KUDOS, all of us should be extremely proud!

Read all about it on: City Island Images - www.cimages.me



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Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. and Bronx District Attorney Robert Johnson, along with representatives of the New York City Department of Probation and Safe Horizon, announced new and enhanced domestic violence services in the Bronx with a new grant from the United States Department of Justice Office on Violence Against Women.

Headlines 10/19/11

Submitted by ub on


GOP GLOVES OFF. Republican Personal Attack.

SOCIAL SECURITY. Cost Of Living Increase.

US ECONOMY. Psychological Stress.

WILD ANIMALS. Loose in Ohio.


Submitted by ub on

Bronx Council on the Arts will host its inaugural APPLAUSE Awards benefit. This year’s theme is Women of Bronx Arts - honoring the achievements of five dynamic cultural leaders the important Bronx organizations that they serve. 10/11/11

The evening includes BCA Minis — a silent auction of art works by BRIO winners (Bronx Recognizes Its Own) and more. An after party dance featuring DJ1n2 (NYC’s Jamie Glover) will immediately follow dinner. For tickets and info visit: BCA Applause Awards 2011 or contact Anthony Meyers at 718-931-9500 x22, ameyers@bronxarts.org.


Focal Point

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Focal Point Gallery
321 City Island Ave.
Bronx NY 10464
718 885-1403
Ron Terner

Calendar of Exhibitions

November 4th - November 30th
Artist's Choice
opening reception
Friday, November 4th, 7pm - 10pm

December 2nd - December 31st
Artist's Choice
opening reception
Friday, December 2nd 7pm - 10pm

If you are an artist and would like to take part in the above exhibitions
call: (718) 885-1403 to make an appointment to bring in your work.
All work has to framed and ready to hang.

Eurozone Sovereign Debt Crisis

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Event: MNI WEBINAR: The State of the Eurozone Sovereign Debt Crisis
When: October 31, 2011, 11:00 AM ET
Where: Online
MNI's European Deputy Managing Editor, Bernard Wolfson, will discuss the state of the Eurozone sovereign debt crisis with a focus on the troubles of the weaker peripheral members.
Register at: http://marketnews.webex.com