Submitted by ub on

City Islanders turned out in numbers to The Lido Restaurant to protest the proposed closure of our ladder 53 company. However, FDNY and Mayor Bloomberg were no shows, instead the offered a video camera to view our concerns at a later date.

The many elected NYC officials who turned out to the rally were all against Bloomberg's plan to close Ladder 53.
They all agreed that this is a safety and quality of life issue for City Island residents and businesses alike.

We put Bloomberg in office, we can vote Bloomberg out of office...

Submitted by ub on

It's time for City Islanders to go after the man who has made not one, not two, but quite a few mistakes, which have effected our safety and the quality of life of our children and family members.

I am sick of Mayor Bloomberg's continuing threats and increasing belligerent attitude. There should be an ethics investigation to look into how many people he has hired who were not qualified to fill important positions and who did not have the necessary experience. Let’s also investigate every one of his decisions and appointments.


Submitted by ub on

NOTE: Mussel Suckers, Clam Diggers, All City Islanders and Business Owners.


by Council Member James Vacca and the City Island Civic Association.


Fire Department representatives have been invited to attend.

The Lido Restaurant

101 City Island Avenue at Pilot Street

Tuesday, June 14, 2011 @ 7P

Community Involvement

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Please, note that The City Island Civic Association meets on the last Tuesday of every month (except December) at the City Island Community Center, 190 Fordham Street. Meetings start at 7:30 p.m.

All residents of City Island who wish to bring concerns are always welcomed.

Paying your dues is also important, so please try to stay current if you can!

Supreme Court Rules on Ethics

Submitted by ub on

Conflicts of interest are as much a routine a part of government meetings as the US Pledge of Allegiance.
However, full disclosure and abstention by many politicians? Well, not so much.

A Monday ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court, which overturned a State of Nevada Supreme Court decision that had gutted state ethics law, may go a long way to change that.

It now appears that our politicians, including those here on New York will have to straighten up and fly right!

Screening of "Secrets of New York"

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SECRETS OF NEW YORK premieres on NYC life TV channel 25 on Tuesday, June 21 at 8:30 pm. Episodes will also be available to view on and on the NYC Media app (available for download on iTunes).

Mark Twain and The "N" Word

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That "N" Word covered on 60 MINUTES
A Southern publisher's sanitized edition of "Huckleberry Finn" that replaces the N-word with "slave" over 200 times is the focal point for a debate on the use of the controversial word in American society. Byron Pitts reports. Watch it now.


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Eyewitness News Reporter Hangs On In Windy Live Shot

WABC-TV 7 Reporter Darla Miles was doing a live shot yesterday in sizzling New York City — where Thursday’s high temperature was 95 degrees — but as a storm-front came through, temperatures dropped, and so did Miles when a strong gust of wind blew in.

What a trooper. The ABC O&O reports that neither Miles nor the crew were injured. But it was enough for Miles to become the news, when the station re-aired the moment on the 11 O’Clock show.

City Island Theater Group AUDITIONS

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CITG announces auditions for Peggy the Pint Sized Pirate by D. M. Bocaz-Larson.

Peggy is a little pirate who wants to sail the seas but is always picked last for a crew. But when the other pirates are captured by a sea monster, it's up to Peggy to save the day.


PEGGY - a small pirate who sets out to rescue the pirates from a sea monster

SCUMMY - young pirate who says mean things to PEGGY

BOB - the Brave can be either gender (Bob can be short for Roberta). One of the mean pirates picks on PEGGY.

SUE - the Smelly can be changed to Sam. Another mean pirate.


Submitted by ub on

The Dallas MAVS showed that Superstars don't win the game alone, teamwork does. Get out of the Kitchen, if you cant stand that Miami HEAT.

# Mavs win first NBA title, oust Heat | Highlights