
We're Just Not Into You

Submitted by ub on

#WeThePeople Are Just Not Into You... Really never were. What’s his name never won the popular vote. He actually lost it both times. He is a pothole on the bumpy road to American Democracy.

After perpetrating the greatest public health disaster of our lifetime, he has been focused on bitching about the election, Christmas decorations, playing golf, and building a tennis pavilion. Really, honestly, what is the GOP totally full of?

GOP vs Republicans

Submitted by ub on

As Republicans rip each other apart in Georgia,  December 7, 2020, is the day of political infamy. The last day to register to vote.

Many feared GOP would tear itself to pieces after Trump lost. However, who would have known never Republicans would attack each other over a debate about whether Republicans should bother to vote in a manjo US Senate runoff?

When Will Trump Stop Whining?

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Why is the last POTUS missing from this captured image? Because he is the only one who began complaining right from the start. He promised the USA would win but gave America whining instead. He has been complaining in an annoying way, and keeps moaning like a spoiled brat.

He could urge Americans to behave responsibly in light of #COVID. Ask Congress to approve a Pandemic package. He could have forced the #USA government to help with testing and PPE, but NO, not Trump.

Complicit Republicans

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America is not the only country wrestling with deepening political fissures. But the USA rigid two-party system is collapsing by a range of social and political debates into one battle line that may make our differences appear larger than they really are.


Submitted by ub on

This day Americans have waited four long years for has to eradicate fascism, we now must wait weeks before the official vote tally is completed. POTUS will announce he won but come January 20th, he will leave the White House for real good.

Vote for @JoeBiden. 🇺🇸 @kamalaharris

Vote for all Americans who’ve died of #Covid

Vote for John Lewis, RBG, and America

Vote for the Dreamers and children separated from their parents at the border

Vote for the environment, the air we breathe, and the water we drink

Republican Deadly Sins

Submitted by ub on

I have no political affiliation. I am not a registered Democrat, nor a Republican, although I did work for the last GOP President who really served this great nation as a decorated member of the US Military, as a Congressman, CIA Director, Vice president, and POTUS41 George, HW Bush.

From Who He Was To Whatever It Is

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Honest Abe's Republican Party of Lincoln represented decency, morality, kindness, sensitivity, compassion, honesty, and empathy. However, after four long and difficult years, the GOP has devolved and deteriorated into lies, hate, and political suffocation. Trump began his campaign riding a downward escalator and it has been that way ever since.

Angry American Voters

Submitted by ub on

We cannot defeat an enemy without fully learning his identity.  The disappointment, sadness, fear, or hate some people may be currently experiencing are not enemies. Righteous anger may be the best tool we can have at our disposal to overcome those other feelings if we exert anger mindfully. 

Our real enemy, I believe, has been our inability to accept our present-day existential reality —whether all of us can survive as a free nation— and, as a result of that knowledge, to fully trust ourselves in order to effect real, extraordinary change.

Will Winfrey Win Texas?

Submitted by ub on

The fate of democracy relies on The Lone Star State. I lived and worked there long enough to learn that no one dares to mess with Texas. Oprah Winfrey is the main attraction participating in phone-banking marathons, including U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders, former San Antonio Mayor Julián Castro, and music legend Willie Nelson who has also been dialing for ballots. in fact, Nelson has been politically active going all the way back to when he helped Jimmy Carter win the presidency.

Crash and Burn

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The #Republicans have had a spectacular four-year failure and fall from grace originating from losing a political land, sea, and aerial dogfight, that is accompanied by POTUS arms flailing, hand gestures, and sound effects after crashing, burning an entire Grand Old Party in the #USA landscape.