Thanks, Gracias, Xiexie...etc.

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We show gratitude in many forms and methods in order to express to others how valued and appreciated they are.

Most folks learn to say these words when they are kids, yet too many adults allow their
busy schedules and growing demands to eliminate this simple way of expressing gratitude.

Saying thank you should be a habit that all of us could enjoy practicing. Even a small expression of thanks can have a tremendous impact on relationships, not to mention that it reinforces a greater sense of affirmation and self worth for everyone involved.

Thanks to all our readers... City Island Images hopes to improve the 24/7 service we have been providing.


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On Saturday, April 6, at Fordham University, Bronx Borough President's Office will host a first ever Bronx Health & Wellness Summit. They have worked hard to put together a comprehensive agenda, one that we feel offers something for everyone.

At the summit, you can learn how your health coverage will change with the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, how to effectively continue medical care for your adolescents, how mental health issues are handled to ensure public safety or what classes college students should take to pursue a career in healthcare, the borough's number one employer.

The main goal of this summit is to begin to set your work plan for the coming years, a work plan that will reverse your health indicators and ultimately lead to a better overall quality of life for those that live, work and raise their families in the Bronx. The agenda for the summit has been finalized, so please take a few minutes to register for our Health & Wellness Summit if you haven't already, and sign up for your preferred breakout sessions.


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You may have heard the old saying: "There may be snow on the roof but there's still fire in the furnace." It means age has little to with urge. And yet, all too often, men and women needlessly forgo the opportunity to enjoy a rich, satisfying, and active sex life as they get older.

The baby boomers who led the sexual revolution in the Sixties are now well into their sixties. And the sexual revolution revolution appears to continue.

This is a revolution that challenges long-held views on sexuality and aging. It’s reinforcing that adults in their 60s and beyond can have healthy and happy sex lives.

Midlife can be a springboard to renewed sexual expression and connection. Some women feel more relaxed about sex once their child-bearing days are past. The changes a man experiences can be an impetus for developing a new and more fulfilling style of lovemaking.

Just to get you in the right mood for the new attitude which has to be adopted, here are some blasts from the past. And please make sure you remember that when it comes to sex, attitude matters more than age!


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Thursday, April 4, First Thursdays at St. Paul’s open from 1 to 9 PM

Please join us for a 7 PM talk, The Neutral Ground: Westchester County and the Revolutionary War, by historian Wayne Cahilly, exploring the military, political and social history of the area between the British and Americans.

Saturday, April 13; we’re open from noon to 4 PM

George Washington and the Civil War

At 2 PM, Professor Anne Sarah Rubin of the University of Maryland at Baltimore County

Innovation for Development

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The European Journalism Centre (EJC) is pleased to announce that it has received more than 500 applications in the first round of the Innovation for Development Reporting Grant Programme.

“We are very happy to observe such a high media interest in reporting global development stories. Regardless of the outcome, we are very enthusiastic that over the past two months journalists and media organisations have taken a closer look at and really thought outside of the box when it comes to stories from the developing world. We hope that media houses will keep up this trend, as a well-informed public in the developed world can have a positive impact on policies for the developing world”, said Wilfried Ruetten, EJC Director.

Over the next three weeks, the EJC will evaluate the entries and inform all applicants of the status of their application(s). Due to the large number of submissions, we will however not be able to give individual feedback to unsuccessful candidates. Shortlisted applicants will have one month’s time to submit a complete proposal and provide any necessary supporting documents. The first grants will be announced at the end of May.

Everyone else whose best global development pitch is still on the shelf: don’t be discouraged. On the 3rd of April we will be opening our second call for applications.

In order to give interested candidates sufficient time to prepare powerful proposals we will run a second, longer round over the coming five months, as opposed to the remaining two shorter rounds that were planned initially.

The second and last round to submit entries will run until midnight (24:00) CET on 2 September 2013.

The Innovation for Development Reporting Grant Programme (IDR) was launched in January 2013 by the EJC with support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The project aims to reward quality journalism and advance a new and distinctive agenda for development coverage.

A selection of state-of-the-art reporting projects of great impact and high visibility will be awarded funding in 2013.

The European Journalism Centre (EJC) is a non-profit international foundation with the remit to improve, strengthen, and underpin journalism and the news media. This mission has two main aspects: On the one hand, it is about safeguarding, enhancing, and future-proofing quality journalism in Europe and on the other hand, it is about supporting initiatives towards press freedom in emerging and developing countries. This often includes creating the framework conditions for independent and self-determined journalism in the first place. To these ends, the EJC provides thematic training, professional capacity development, and a wide range of support activities for journalists.


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Before jammed packed chambers, our nation's highest court is hearing two days of oral arguments on Proposition 8, the California gay marriage ban, and the constitutionality of the Defense of Marriage Act. Finally, US Supreme Court judges are weighing in on gay marriage.

Today California's ban on gay marriage comes before the Supreme Court, presenting the justices with their first chance to weigh in directly on a US social debate that has erupted for more than a decade.


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Smiling from cheek to cheek, a Latino with lots of "Buena Suerte" Senor Pedro Quezada, who also speaks Spanish says he’s going to take very good care of his family.

Mr. Quezada's life changed the moment he purchased his winning ticket at Eagle Liquors in Passaic, N.J. where the $338 million Powerball Lottery ticket was sold. Quezada’s lump sum payout will end up being $211 million, but $152 million after state and federal taxes.


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COMMUNITY ARTS TUESDAYS are networking opportunities to gather with our Westchester Square neighbors and friends, introduce the BCA staff and rub elbows with members of the newly formed Westchester Square BID.

Join us for an evening of music, refreshments, and an opportunity to get your complimentary copy of Ray Bradbury’s internationally acclaimed novel Fahrenheit 451 as part of the Bronx Council on the Arts’ The Big Read in the Bronx 2013.


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They are called senior citizens and are constantly being criticized for every conceivable deficiency of the modern world, real or imaginary.

However, let's point out that it was NOT the senior citizens who took…..

The melody out of music,

The pride out of appearance,

The courtesy out of driving,

The romance out of love,

The commitment out of marriage,

The responsibility out of parenthood,

The togetherness out of the family,

The learning out of education,

The service out of patriotism,


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These are some sure signs of Alcohol Addiction:

Do you worry that you or your loved one may be addicted to alcohol? Although every situation is different, many people who have become addicted to alcohol demonstrate the following patterns:

Continuing to drink throughout the entire day

Getting drunk every time drinking takes place

Health problems have arisen due to constant alcohol use

Drinking regardless of responsibilities

Early morning drinking

Alcohol is used to ignore life’s problems

Friends and family members complain about constant drinking

Drinking alone

Little effort is placed into work and school

Unsuccessful attempts to quit drinking have been made

Symptoms of withdrawal (shaking, irritability, etc) take place when going without alcohol

Only able to have fun when drinking

Alcohol or money to buy alcohol have been stolen

Personal hygiene is lacking

A need to be secretive about drinking habits

Trouble limiting number of drinks