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SUNDAY, MAY 29, 2011 • 2 pm • Van Cortlandt Park (Broadway at 246 Street)
David Gilbert-Papo Vazquez-Halley Gilbert

Free Concert by City Island Musician

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Ms.Yirong Chen, who has performed and played her Chinese classical instrument all over the world will offer a free area concert.

Yirong Chen will be performing on Wednesday, July 20, 2011 @ 1P Free Admission
St. Paul's Church National Historic Site
897 South Columbus Avenue
Mt. Vernon, NY 10550

City Island Images...

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CIMAGES offers nonpartisan news and information content, dedicated to rebuilding a reliable civic structure that allows each and every clam digger and muscle sucker to excersice their individualism through common sense, personal kindness and professional consideration.

NYPD Enforcing Bike Laws

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NYC Cops say they're cracking down in response to citizen gripes about unsafe cyclists riding on city sidewalks.

Salute Fleet Week

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A fleet of nine Navy and Coast Guard ships has arrived on the West Side of New York City.

City Island Memorial Day Parade

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City Island's Annual Memorial Day Parade will start at 2:3P this year. For the first time ever, a local high school band will march and perform along the parade route.

Public Invited to May 21, 2011 Grand Opening Ceremony.

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It’s been five years since a 5-alarm fire tragically burned the 150 year old Morris clubhouse situated on the southern tip of City Island, at Belden Point. But “Project Phoenix,” as it was named, has finally risen from the ashes and the new 16,000 square foot clubhouse is scheduled for its grand opening. There will be a ribbon cutting ceremony, followed by cocktails and reception on Saturday, May 21, 2011.