Memorial Day 2022

Submitted by ub on

Memorial Day isn’t for BBQ's, beaches or sales, please remember the real reason, and why so many Americans should observe it.

As I pay tribute to my late brother, Antonio J Soto III who served in Vietnam and never faked bone spurs, I also remember all the fallen heroes who sacrificed their lives, so Americans could vote and freely participate in our USA 🇺🇸 Democracy.

USA Digital Democracy

Submitted by ub on

As more GOP Senators and Representatives support a ban on assault weapons following mass shootings in New York, Texas...etc

And now that Congress has gone off on vacation, we wanted to find a solution about what's really going on with gun safety by dropping the blame and shame and leading with compassion. CityImages is launching a strategy session by digitally brainstorming on how to develop a new concept around an acceptable assault rifle solution and decided to seek everyone’s help by relying on digital democracy.

Funny News Phrases

Submitted by ub on

On this month of May 23 years ago, Comic genius George Carlin delivered a spectacular monologue at NPC and answered questions.

All members of the working press, including myself, have shared wonderful memories of attending events at the National Press Club in Washington, DC.

NWS Reports

Submitted by ub on

If safe to do so, any member of the public is asked to please pass along any reports of damage that you may have come across.

The National Weather Service is an agency of the United States federal government that is tasked with providing weather forecasts, warnings of hazardous weather, and other weather-related products to organizations and the public for the purposes of protection, safety, and general information.

The Tempest

Submitted by ub on

This world is a wicked place with lots of evil people ( “devils” ). You don't have to go to “hell” to meet them. They are here.

“Hell is empty and all the devils are here.”

― William Shakespeare, The Tempest

The Republican Party is shipwrecked and tormented by an old man who is the leader of the GOP and all his slaves?

Broken Heart Tragedy

Submitted by ub on

What is broken heart syndrome? The condition is scientifically known as Takutsubo cardiomyopathy and it can become deadly.

Takutsubo cardiomyopathy, also known as broken heart syndrome, is a temporary heart condition that can be brought on by extreme emotional or physical stress.

An Incredible Narration

Submitted by ub on

The incredible shrinking narration they keep spinning is a brutal reminder of the unreliable message from public safety officials.

La increíble narración cada vez más pequeña que siguen dando vueltas es un recordatorio brutal del mensaje poco confiable de los funcionarios de seguridad pública. Pasaron 77 minutos desde que el asesino de Uvalde entró a la escuela y la policía logró abatirlo

Reigning With Fear

Submitted by ub on

Ideas after wiping American tears. This could happen to anyone near and dear to us while USA politicians continue reigning with fear. 

Dozens of families in Texas, California and New York are devastated, while Congress in now enjoying another vacation and doing nothing about the cause of their family member’s deaths.  Register to vote and throw them all out. Americans have experienced over hundreds of mass shootings, including dozens of school shootings. WHY?


Submitted by ub on

The world condemned the shooting at an elementary school in Texas that killed 19 kids and two teachers. #GOP Guns Over People?

¿Por Qué? Why?

Submitted by ub on

At least 19 children and two teachers were killed by a gunman at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, according to the Texas Rangers.

The dead gunman was 18-year-old Salvador Ramos a student at Uvalde High School, authorities said.

Why are Republican politicians a crew of misfits that only point fingers refusing to accept any responsibility for their inaction?

This does not happen anywhere else. The UK banned private ownership of handguns and initiated the Firearms amendment to tighten gun control. Since 1996 there have been NO SCHOOL SHOOTINGS