The Republicans continue jumping ship from the leaking and sinking Trump freighter as they keep coming out of the crowded closet.
The Republicans continue jumping ship from the leaking and sinking Trump freighter as they keep coming out of the crowded closet.
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris say they believe there’s no greater economic engine in the world than the hard work and ingenuity of the American people. Nobody has more respect for the working women and men who get up every day to build and sustain this country, or more confidence that they can meet the challenges we face.
Republican President Dick Nixon sent burglars to break into an office at The Watergate.
GOP President Don Trump Is using his managers to break The Post Office.
Are they the same dirty tricks using different strokes by similar blokes?
The term bloke was used in the late 19th century, meaning a stupid crook and a worthless person. This sense may originate with the Dutch blok, a fool, which is where the word blockhead came from.
The good die young and so it goes for Robert Trump, who passed in a New York City hospital. POTUS said ‘He was my best friend’
While his younger brother was clinging to the last few hours he had to live, President Trump was playing golf in New Jersey. Some people wait by their bedsides with prayers and support. Others abandon their siblings to go away to play. Meanwhile, Mary Trump writes in her book: “As my father lay dying alone, Donald went to the movies.”
If you are interested in reaching out to officials, including the USPS Board, please let them know how you feel about the recent developments at the Postal Service and that their names through our nation’s US Mail history will be immortalized for setting out to steal this election and that you will make them infamous.
Trump’s assault on #USPS may be because Postal Service Chairman Duncan is McConnell’s guy. He has directed US Senate GOP’s $100 Million Super PAC.
City Images, NYC, New York
Dear Sir or Madam-
I am appalled at what has been taking place in this country in the direction of this corrupt administration. The postal service has been tried and true and vital to America since it"s inception. What this administration is trying to do to the U.S. Post office in order to enable Donald Trump to win the election will not be tolerated and must be stopped and DeJoy must be removed.
Congratulations to our City Island neighbors Arlene and Josue Rivera. They had to take a #COVID test, wait for the results, and then travel to Miami, to board a connecting flight to get married at a Caribbean island paradise. Interestingly enough, days earlier the couple said there was no way they would take the virus test sighting safely and security reasons.
Over the years, I have covered and attended political conventions for The Democrats as well as The Republicans. However, this will be a first for me and the entire American family of delegates and registered voters.
#POLY #TICKS #CON #VENTION Poly are many... Ticks are blood-sucking parasites... Con means confusion... Vention is about the past
A journalist asks Trump, after three and a half years, do you regret all the lies you've done to the American people? POTUS does not answer and quickly moves on to the next question.
When POTUS doesn't like #COVID numbers, he stops testing and listening to science. When he doesn't like US Census numbers, he stops the count, when he doesn't agree with US intelligence, he stops listening, now that he doesn't want to accept American citizen vote tallies, he wants to stop the US Mail from delivering the ballots.