FIRST LADY Lady lady?

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It has been said that a picture is worth a thousand words, this is why some folks are pointing out contrasting images that basically sum up the difference between Melania Trump and Dr. Jill Biden and which one is the real intelligent and classy LADY.

Any picture is worth a thousand words means that complex and sometimes multiple ideas can be conveyed by still images, which sends a clear message more effectively than any words or series of verbal descriptions.

The Democrats Day 2

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The Democratic National Convention, Day 2. Former VP Joe Biden says we're in a battle for the soul of this nation. Who we are, what we stand for, and who we want to be it's all at stake. We've got to beat Donald Trump. Joe Biden has Colin Powell and Cindy McCain speaking for him at the Democratic Convention tonight.

Voting Day USA

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While celebrating the Centennial anniversary of the right to vote got us thinking about a way to help all Americans cast their ballots.

A group of wealthy individuals should combine their collective resources to make sure there is enough support available outside #USA polling stations all across America.

They could be providing food trucks, portable bathrooms, low-cost seats and temporary weather gear for all registered voters who have no other choice but to stand on long lines until they are able to cast their ballots on Election Day.

TrumPutin Joined At The Hip

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The Senate just dropped a massive Russia bombshell. Are the two attached at the hip, did Vladimir Putin grab America’s pussy, or did he eat Trump's brain?  US Senate bipartisan 966-page report has just been released that goes where Robert Mueller feared to tread by finding a gold mine of compelling evidence that the Donal J Trump and his campaign officials colluded with Russia to illegally win the American presidency against Hillary Clinton.

A Grand Slam

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The National Convention launch for The Democrats hit a home run with the bases loaded. Starting with the national anthem and wrapping up with former First Lady Michelle Obama who spoke truth to power, where she called on all Americans to support @Joe Biden and @Kamala Harris #BidenHarris2020 and wrapping up with Stephen Stills and Billy Porter and a closing prayer by Reverend Jerry Young. Democracy is a team sport, added Governor Gretchen Whitmer.


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The Republicans continue jumping ship from the leaking and sinking Trump freighter as they keep coming out of the crowded closet.

Build Back Better

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Joe Biden and Kamala Harris say they believe there’s no greater economic engine in the world than the hard work and ingenuity of the American people. Nobody has more respect for the working women and men who get up every day to build and sustain this country, or more confidence that they can meet the challenges we face.

GOP Dirty Tricks

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Republican President Dick Nixon sent burglars to break into an office at The Watergate. 

GOP President Don Trump Is using his managers to break The Post Office. 

Are they the same dirty tricks using different strokes by similar blokes?

The term bloke was used in the late 19th century, meaning a stupid crook and a worthless person. This sense may originate with the Dutch blok, a fool, which is where the word blockhead came from.

RIP: Robert Trump

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The good die young and so it goes for Robert Trump, who passed in a New York City hospital. POTUS said ‘He was my best friend’

While his younger brother was clinging to the last few hours he had to live, President Trump was playing golf in New Jersey. Some people wait by their bedsides with prayers and support. Others abandon their siblings to go away to play. Meanwhile, Mary Trump writes in her book: “As my father lay dying alone, Donald went to the movies.”