Killing USA Softly

Submitted by ub on

Defenseless #USA is a serious thing to say but being without a Pentagon Chief and Secretary of Defense is yet another way POTUS has failed to drain the swamp today.

Also, his Muslim ban, reducing regulations, Summits with dictators and thugs, while at the same time alienating our allies have had no real staying power.

Mexico Will Never Pay

Submitted by ub on

Do the math, the currency exchange rate between 1 United States Dollar equals 19.49 Mexican Pesos. How many pesos are 8 Billion Dollars?

Trump promised over and over again that Mexico would pay for his wall, so why does he now want American taxpayers to pay? And since we do not even know if @Realdonaldtrump pays any taxes, why should #USA be forced to pay?

Trump Taxes

Submitted by ub on

As Americans approach the filing deadline for tax season, a group of Congressional leaders from The US House of Representative is formally demanding POTUS taxes.

They will seek his personal tax returns covering a decade, but not his business filings yet, said Rep. Bill Pascrell (D-N.J.), a senior member of the House Ways and Means Committee. https://www.politico.com/story/2019/03/05/democrats-plan-to-demand-trum…

Message To Michael

Submitted by ub on

Es un Domingo Miguel Cohen para el presidente Donald Trump, ya que comenzó la mañana atacando a su ex abogado.

Recién después de un largo día y su largisimo discurso en la Conferencia de Acción Política Conservadora. El Comandante en Tweet continuó con los ataques de Cohen que comenzaron anoche.

Sin duda, esto se debe a los noticieros del domingo por la mañana, que se han centrado incansablemente en el testimonio de Cohen la semana pasada ante el Comité de Supervisión de la Cámara de Representantes.

Where Is That Love?

Submitted by ub on

Following an abrupt end to his love summit with North Korea's Kim Jong Un, POTUS suddenly thinks its time to walk away from his self proclaimed romance.

#USA deterrence of North Korea is now in a Trump imposed downward spiral. The economic sanctions are beginning to fray. Japan may be losing confidence. South Korea’s Moon sees America as headed to the door. Kim keeps producing missiles with more nukes. Meanwhile, an annual Foal Eagle and Key Resolve USA-South Korean military exercises are not happening. What the hell is the Republican-controlled US Senate doing about it?


Submitted by ub on

Retribution is an act or punishment inflicted on someone as vengeance for a wrong or criminal act. A punishment, penalty, nemesis, fate, doom, one's just deserts, due reward, just reward, wages.

Trump accuses others of plotting treason, but who is the real offender of treason against #USA?

First, when was the last time you heard the word retribution be used by or come out of this president’s mouth?

The Walls

Submitted by ub on

Who has gotten away with a lifetime of questionable comments and practices but now investigators are finally closing on him as well as his people while the walls are finally closing in?

With a February 15 deadline near the #USA #Mexico border deal appears stalled with only have a 50/50 percent chance of happening or being resolved https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/429308-shelby-border-wall-talks-are…

UNITY Seriously?

Submitted by ub on

POTUS is expected to call for unity in his attempt at reset after two years of partisanship deep divide and personal attacks. #SOTU will come with a large serving of partisan divide which could lead to another government shutdown or to an emergency declaration over the #Mexico border, but what about the #Canada northern border? Politically wounded from his federal shutdown, #Trump may face an uphill battle with his agenda.

Will Americans, or the rest of the world buy this White House attempt at turning a new leaf? We’ll have to wait and see, Mr. T.

Fantasy vs Facts

Submitted by ub on

President Trump doesn't have the best record on telling the truth, and dismissing our intelligence community endangers all of US.

CSPAN: "Did you talk to your intelligence chiefs today about the displeasure you had with their…"

POTUS: "I did. They said that they were totally misquoted, and they were totally – it was taken out of context…The said it was fake news."