Ads, Public Opinion

Once a Spy

Submitted by ub on

I am old enough to remember when anyone who dared to steal government documents was arrested and charged as a Spy.

Since 1984 when the Russians began purchasing properties at Trump Tower, which had opened for business a year earlier.

Trump's first visit to Moscow was July 3, 1987. As late as 2016 Trump Tower's server was still communicating with Russia's Alfa bank which was allegedly the source of major money laundering.

Great News

Submitted by ub on

Good News goes a long way towards inspiring folks from all over the world. Great news boosts mental health and well-being.

Good news is the appropriate and grammatically correct phrase. The word ‘news’ acts as a singular but uncountable noun. Despite the fact, you can’t say one news, two news, as we cannot count or divide ‘news.’ It is simply ‘news’ collectively. Got it? 

We asked our constant readers to opine and they said what this blog needs more of is good news like these.

POTUS Victories

Submitted by ub on

President Joe Biden speaks softly and carries the weight for all Americans regardless of their party affiliation living in the USA.

Democrats Deliver

Submitted by ub on

Following a marathon session, Senate Democrats passed a climate, tax, and health care bill that will help Americans for decades.

President Biden is establishing a legacy as a capable and committed leader who got big things done with a deeply divided Congress. Will he revive The US House and Senate to achieve majority rule for all Americans?

The US Senate passes a sweeping economic package. The vote came after a graveyard session that lasted through the night and into Sunday afternoon, with The Democrats breaking into applause as members cast their final votes.

Kindness Matters

Submitted by ub on

 I’ve been driving with my wife taking her to doctor appointments, food shopping, and other mundane chores. All I can say is WoW.

‘More like why is everyone acting so weird? In the past few years, the Republicans have turned brotherhood into a bad word. But if we take a closer look we see people behaving badly for a few years.

it seems that just about every day viral video becomes popular of another asshole on public transportation, at a store on the streets, and just about everywhere we look, people attacking their fellow human beings for no reason at all.

Broken Silence Of The Dams

Submitted by ub on

Keith Rupert Murdoch is a real billionaire and an Australian-born American businessman, media proprietor, and conservative investor. He should have could have would have done it earlier and perhaps avoid the snake oil salesman from developing into a dangerous snake.


Submitted by ub on

One of our readers sent the following newspaper article from Florida and quickly got out attention considering the circumstances.

Dave W was alarmed by a Santa Rosa school board candidate saying that doctors who help trans kids 'should be hanging from trees.

The candidate reportedly made the statement, which was met with applause, during a forum organized by the Gulf Coast Patriots, in Navarre.

GOP Tyranny

Submitted by ub on

The Republican Party's pattern of harsh, cruel, and unfair control over We The People has been evolving in the USA over many years.