Meat The Beatles

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It has been said that 51 years ago, Paul McCartney officially announced the separation of The Beatles. Since then all their fans say The Beatles gave us the ultimate tracks.

Women Are Best

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Everyone knows by now that women are smarter, and much better leaders, caretakers, bosses, children, parents, and colleagues.

The Prince is Dead

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Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh, “passed away peacefully” at Windsor Castle on Friday at the age of 99.

As the world reacts to the death of Prince Phillip, public figures in #Britain react to the news that #PrincePhilip, husband of Queen Elizabeth and a leading figure in the British royal family for almost seven decades, has died aged 99.

The Democrats vs The GOP

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The United States of America is showing its dark and ugly visage which may be a reason for serious concern in the near future.

Some would say that over the last four years of the Grand Old Party was full of lies, empty promises, hot air, tax breaks for the one percent and The Wall.

Decomposing Composers

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One of them, Shakespeare had an enormous influence and lasting impact on literature with some duplicating his style, full of imagery.

States Leading COVID

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Nearly half of USA new coronavirus infections are concentrated in five states. This health hazard is putting pressure on the federal government t

Public health officials now have to consider changing how it distributes vaccines by sending more doses to hot spots.

New York, Michigan, Florida, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey reported 44% of the nation’s new COVID-19 infections or nearly 197,500 new cases.

Does Baby Gaetz A Blanket?

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Before Matt Gaetz burst onto the national political scene as the sharp-tongued, attention-grabbing Trump defender, he was best known in Florida as “Baby Gaetz.”

As a parent, I understand the importance of a baby blanket. Once a child grows up and is not a real spoiled brat, they don’t  need one.

From California To The NY Island

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This land is your land, this land is my land, from California to New York Island, From the Redwood Forest to the Gulf stream waters, this land was made for you and me.

Hate crimes morbidly continue to multiply in our nation, the beacon of liberty that once proudly called itself the world's melting pot. 

Bilingual Zoom Bilingüe

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El multilingüismo es el uso de más de un idioma, ya sea por un hablante individual o por un grupo de hablantes. Se cree que los hablantes multilingües superan en número a los hablantes monolingües en la población mundial. Más de la mitad de los europeos afirman hablar al menos un idioma que no es su lengua materna, pero muchos leen y escriben en un idioma.