Dying Is Easy

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Summertime and the living ain’t easy, COVID is jumping off the charts... In fact, it is getting increasingly more difficult to stay healthy and alive. USA saw a record number of new #coronavirus cases Today Friday, with 40,173, according to Johns Hopkins University.

Does anyone else recall when Trump told Americans that #COVID19 would disappear with the Summer heat? Well, folks, it’s hot as hell from California, Florida and Texas with straight days of a record number of over 5,000 cases.


Submitted by ub on

Who spent the first half of his life preventing minorities the right to rent apartments in his family properties. Hint, he has devoted the past years preventing minorities from receiving equal justice, civil, and human rights, or voting?

Racism is the belief that different people possess distinct characteristics, abilities, or qualities, especially so as to distinguish them as inferior or superior to one another.


Submitted by ub on

The NYPD have always been New York’s finest. The police should be doing all they can to get us past a tragedy, maintain order amongst protestors and help the city get past the COVID19 pandemic.

As calls for defunding and reforming police departments have grown, NYC has seen a 24 percent increase in yearly homicides.

There appears to be a belief among cops, and those who defend their conduct, that police culture is built on a code that rewards the exercise of dominance over suspects during arrests.

Gateway To The World?

Submitted by ub on

Do you remember back when they used to let all people come to America, and how that relates to what's happening today?

There was once a time when foreigners were welcome here. A real POTUS once assured everyone that a new bill does not affect the lives of millions. It will not reshape the structure of our daily lives. That president was hardly the type to downplay the importance of his own work. But in this case, neither #LBJ nor his allies realized what they had set in motion. The law’s transformative impact would take years to reveal itself.

New Sun of A Beach

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Following a #COVID19 shut-down, all NYC beaches will once again re-opening for swimming on July 1, 2020 <3

NYC Parks maintains 14 miles of beaches open from Memorial Day weekend through September 8, 2019. During beach season, lifeguards are on duty daily, from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Swimming is prohibited when lifeguards are not on duty and in closed sections. Closed sections are marked with signs and/or red flags. All beaches are free and open to the public.

Bill Ritter Cut

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I have never watched a popular TV news anchorman go from looking suave and debonaire to the likes of Dr. Brown, the crackpot character in "Back To The Future."

So what was the first public act on Bill Ritter’s bucket list now that New York City has entered Phase 2 of the lockdown? A Boogie Down Haircut in The Bronx!

What about the final bill?WABC TV 7 Anchorman Bill Ritter finally got a haircut and says it was for a very good cause.

Wake Up America

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Allow us to SPELL IT OUT LOUD and CLEAR by just Telling it to you straight: FEDERAL Legislation to restore the #VotingRightsAct has been sitting in the US Senate on McConnell’s desk for months. 

Shock and Awe

Submitted by ub on

Shock and awe was used by Republicans and referred to rapid dominance in a military tactic based on the use of overwhelming power and spectacular displays of force to paralyze the enemy and destroy their will to fight.

However, The majority of Americans who’ve been peacefully demonstrating are not the enemy and the one now in shock are @POTUS @VP @realDonaldTrump @GOP and anyone who can clearly see that Americans are tired of their tactics.

LOCATION Location location

Submitted by ub on

Please, consider the following scenario... You’ve decided to establish a work from a home-based office and are ready to move on.

A cliché used by property experts is that the three most important factors in determining the desirability of a property are "locationlocationlocation". This tricolon appeared in print as early as 1926.