

Submitted by ub on

USA may not seem different today after Election Day: Same president. Same divided Congress.

But now that we finally know who will be in charge for the next few years, we can start to free ourselves from the myth that they are important. In fact, we are more important and they work for US. The streets where we live and the neighborhoods where we walk, shop, play and pray aren't likely to look much different any time soon if we believe our politicians.


This survey provides a way for you to keep informed of your views and interests. You can do this by clicking on the survey question, which appears on the right. In addition to participating in the survey, I would encourage you to send additional detailed thoughts by email.

Obama has proposed extending the Bush-Era Tax Cuts for middle class families making less than $250,000 a year, while others have suggested extending the tax cuts for everyone including millionaires.

Should Congress extend the Bush-Era Tax Cuts?



Submitted by ub on

It's an election year and Congress is poised to make some key decisions that will certainly affect museums, especially nonprofit, 501(c)(3) organizations.

The U.S. Internal Revenue Service says that nonprofits "generally are permitted to engage in advocacy or lobbying related to their exempt purposes," although there are some rules to follow.

AAM has developed a true/false quiz to test your knowledge about how nonprofit museums are allowed to get involved during this election season. Good luck!

Museum is allowed to publicize Election Day.

Congress In-Action

Submitted by ub on

Can members of US Congress get anything done during this election year? Some observers may say probably not, if their past record is any indication.

OBAMA: If you have shown little talent for leadership and wasted years dealing with Congress, you may not get a do-over. Then you're outta the Oval, and that new president gets his four years. But if this happens, then what do we have to look forward to?

PROBLEMS - Contact Your Public Servant

Submitted by ub on

NYC Council Member, Council District 13
James Vacca
3040 East Tremont Avenue

Bronx Borough President
Adolfo Carrión Jr.
851 Grand Concourse, Bronx, NY 10451

State Senator, District 34
Jeff Klein
3713 East Tremont Avenue
Bronx, New York 10465

State Assemblyman, Assembly District 82
Michael Benedetto
3369 East Tremont Ave.
Bronx, NY 10461

U. S. Congress
Representative Joseph Crowley
2800 Bruckner Blvd

Obama Speech Bumped

Submitted by ub on

The sport of politics - If you were the President, would you want your speech to compete with debating Republicans, or NFL's opening night? Well, Mr. Obama has been forced to postpone an urgent economic speech to a joint session of Congress by one day to prevent a clash with the GOP and butting heads with the NFL.

President Obama initially scheduled his prime-time speech for Wednesday, which was the date for Republican's presidential candidates' debate.


Submitted by ub on

What do you think would happen if couples on City Island, or anywhere else got along as poorly as these so called Democrats and Republicans? Our divorce courts would be jammed with battling individuals.

Well, if these two groups do not learn how to get along soon and the U.S. government defaults, we the people, the registered voters of this great country may have solid grounds for divorce, with irreconcilable differences.

The Declaration of Independence - Adopted by Congress on July 4, 1776

Submitted by ub on

When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.