Love My Newspaper

Submitted by ub on

Do you support #LoveMyNewspaper week? - Please, share the hashtag to your favorite blog or local newspaper articles, all the best stories of the year along with news and information content from journalists whose work you Wish others to enjoy as well.

The second annual Love My Newspaper, is observed when readers are encouraged to share what they read, subscribe to, and love their favorite newspapers and platforms.

Besides using the #LoveMyNewspaper hashtag on social media, please show the love for your favorite news website.

A World Divided By Facts

Submitted by ub on

We are separated between fact and fiction. There is one truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help us God. And the problem appears to be that some refuse to review real facts instead of opinions.

The issue is between folks who believe in facts, and those who don’t and won’t. For example, huge alliance like NATO takes diplomacy, patience, tact, the ability and willingness to listen, and a thorough knowledge of the issues, proving once again that some are incapable or unwilling.

Impeach and Remove?

Submitted by ub on

What The GOP and POTUS are doing is not only unpatriotic. It is also anti American.

While Congressional Republicans gradually embrace #Russia claim of Ukrainian interference in the 2016 election, they are using the same #Putin talking points and his allegation that this is the most politically expedient way to defend
@realDonaldTrump against #POTUS #impeachment.

A December To Remember

Submitted by ub on

The beginning of the end of the year promises to bring US a December to remember as Democrats in The US House of Representatives begin preparing to shift a focus of their impeachment inquiry from fact-finding to review and consideration for possibly charging POTUS of misconduct.

Love Thy Neighbor

Submitted by ub on

Love thy neighbor as thyself is a well known version of the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. This was first found in the Old Testament of The Bible.

However, some folks are easier to love than others and that is obvious. When you come across manipulative and selfish individuals, this effort become even more of a task.

#WeThePeople must resolve to find commonalities and bridge a widening divide if we know what’s good for US.

Small Business Saturdays

Submitted by ub on

They appear every year and after all is said and done about promoting the hustle and bustle of Black Friday, or CyberMonday let US not forget to promote #SmallBusinessSaturday.

Be sure to support the small businesses that make our #USA community special. #SmallBizSat

It’s finally here But it won’t last long. Save up to 20 percent on all things and more. #HOLIDAYSALE Terms apply.

Military Maniac?

Submitted by ub on

The man who refused to serve is causing malicious, and destructive damage to the US military.

However Russia really understands what POTUS is doing and #Putin is loving it.

Is POTUS being played again By Russia, North Korea and many others> Is he a foreign agent, a Communist sympathizer, or a willing idiot?

Thanksgiving Week

Submitted by ub on

There's good news and bad. Mother nature is expected to play tricks on US but as resilient Americans we shall overcome.

Be safe and try to stay swarm and dry, but most of all please remember to be kind, even if you're frustrated and tired. There's so much to be thankful for all of US.

A Thanksgiving weak cold front may be arriving out west and moving East towards New York and all across New England. Showery and windy further south. The Tri-State area may get slammed on Wednesday as this weather pattern moves eastbound.

Impeach POTUS VP Barr Pompeo?

Submitted by ub on

Like sands through the political hourglass, this is the daze of our lives. Should Congress impeach the four Whitehouse men of nothing Don? Could lawmakers target four birds with one Constitution stone?

Is it right to follow the serpentine adventures, defeats, and acts of vengeance from Russia through these GOP puppets?

Are extortion and corruption are probably the norms under POTUS?

Trump, the Impostor

Palabras Parecidas Similar Words

Submitted by ub on

Noté que en Inglés y Español, hay muchas palabras que se escribían igual o similar. He visto y escuchado Español lo suficiente como para saber que existían tales palabras, pero me sorprendió saber cuántas de esas palabras hay cuando las examiné un poco más.

I noticed that in English and Spanish, that there were many words either spelled the same or similarly. I have seen and heard Spanish enough to know that there were such words, but I was surprised to learn just how many such words there are when I looked into it a little more.