Personal Finance

A Loyal Scam

Submitted by ub on

Republican National Committee donors paid big money to hear twice-impeached and a two time loser liar in Palm Beach, the "new political power center" for the GOP.

This is the difference between Grift, to obtain money illicitly as in a confidence game and Graft, is the acquisition of some gain such as money in dishonest or questionable ways. These people made a ton of money while they were supposed to be focusing on serving the public.

The Democrats vs The GOP

The United States of America is showing its dark and ugly visage which may be a reason for serious concern in the near future.

Some would say that over the last four years of the Grand Old Party was full of lies, empty promises, hot air, tax breaks for the one percent and The Wall.

Florida Deforestation

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Deforestation is the permanent removal of trees to make room for something besides the forest. This is more about political deforestation by tainting the beautiful flowers and clean politics from the state of Florida’s government in the sunshine.

Trump Lost Once Again

Submitted by ub on

Donald Trump’s tax records are now in the hands of the New York district attorney. Prosecutors obtained the “millions of pages of documents” on Monday, just hours after the Supreme Court denied Trump's last-ditch effort to keep the records private.


Submitted by ub on

This is a significant defeat for Trump, and we have the US Supreme Court to thank after declining to halt the turnover of his tax records in a New York state prosecution.

SCOTUS action is the culmination of a lengthy legal battle that had reached the high court once before. This second time puts his taxes on the firing line. 

This one is a one two punch and a hard blow because he had fought on so many fronts to keep his tax records shielded from view. The ongoing investigation the records are part of what could also be an issue for Trump in his after life. 

Not A Secret Santa

MacKenzie Scott has managed to share her massive wealth to such a wonderful degree that she overshadowed and made the macho tech titans look like tightwads. So if she has it and wants to flaunt it, that’s her prerogative.

She says that not only are nonprofits chronically underfunded, but they are also chronically diverted from their work by fund-raising and by burdensome reporting requirements that donors often place on them.

American Liar

Submitted by ub on

This upcoming election is different for all American voters who’ve participated in them throughout our young Democratic Republic.


29.27 million

