
Mike Goes All Ways ub

He has been a Democrat, an independent and a Republican. Round and round he goes, where he'll land nobody knows... Not yet.

Bloomberg LP founder may be considering running for president as a Democrat. The former NYC Mayor has formally changed his voter registration back to Democrat.

Blue Wave vs Red Tide

Submitted by ub on

This latest alarming report on climate change must now begin to reverse our inaction. This is the most pressing issue and perhaps the biggest news story of our generation.

While some leaders mock scientific studies and reverse the significant amount of progress which still needs to be made, the future of planet Earth has become a voting issue.

Digital Democracy

Submitted by ub on

The defense attorneys for victims making accusations against #SCOTUS candidate #Kavanaugh, along with their witnesses should

record their individual depositions to load them all on Google Docs. Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and everyone else's testimony.

We The People have a right to see the testimony. ASAP

Contact Your representatives and The White House along with members of The Free Press.



Nightmare Before Election Day

Submitted by ub on

The Republicans, who are self-described by Grand Old Party held the late SCOTUS Antonin Scalia’s seat vacant for more than a year using a line of reasoning and GOP logic that under our democratic system, American voters deserved a voice at the ballot box. Since the midterm elections are just 50 days away, and following serious allegations of lying under oath, in addition to the new troubling information which has now surfaced by an accuser who passed a lie detector test, then shouldn't US voters be heard?

Social Media Grilling

Submitted by ub on

Grilling usually involves a significant amount of direct, radiant heat, and tends to be used for food and now for public figures.

Social Media Executives Testify on Russian Interference in U.S. Elections. Invited are Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey and Facebook Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg to testified on Russian interference in U.S. elections before the Senate Intelligence Committee.

What's Going On USA?

Submitted by ub on

Why would The White House oppose strengthening election security? It's like they don't want the American ballot box to be more robust against foreign hackers.

While a Georgia county moves to close most of its polling places ahead of the November midterm election The White House blocks a bill that would protect elections https://www.yahoo.com/news/white-house-blocks-bill-protect-elections-17… via

Waiting For Godot ub

Waiting for Godot is an infamous play in which Vladimir waits for the arrival of someone named Godot who never arrives, and while waiting engages in a variety of amazing discussions.

Everyone knows that politics can sometimes be a difficult venture, but never to conspire against an enemy using foreigners.

Make no mistake about it, Republicans are anxiously analyzing the results of polling in yesterday’s votes in Kansas, Michigan, Missouri, Washington, and Ohio.

GOP Strikes At Strzok

Submitted by ub on

Peter Paul Strzok II was the Chief of the Counterespionage Section who led the FBI's investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of a personal email server. Strzok rose to become the Deputy Assistant Director of the Counterintelligence Division, the second-highest position in that division. He also led the FBI's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections.

Digital Battle

Submitted by ub on

E-democracy or digital democracy is a form of government in which all adult citizens are presumed to be eligible to participate equally in proposals, developments, and creations of legislation including social, economic and cultural conditions on decisions of political self-determination.

It was 155 years ago, The Battle of Gettysburg was fought today. This turning point in the Civil War ended General Robert E. Lee's second and most ambitious invasion of the Northern states.